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24" x 30" Large Live Painting and additional 10 hrs in the studio on your live painting for more detail.
Book Now.

24" x 30" Live Painting. Studio Quality

  • Reschedule, Exchanges, or Merchandise Credit Only.

    You are holding a spot on my calendar when you reserve a date, so reservations for events are non-refundable.

    In case your event is postponed or canceled I will be happy to arrange a date change with you whenever possible, I can also offer another service or artwork for the cost of the deposit.

    This policy is valid for 2 years from the initial payment, and applies to all circumstances, including and not limited to wedding cancelations due to changes of plans, breakups, deaths, natural disasters, acts of God, or weather conditions.

Live Art, Paintings, Drawings, Portraits, Ariel Quiroz Art, Maui, Hawaii. Lahaina 96767

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