by Vanessa Castro, Manager.
Ariel Quiroz was born in Santiago, Chile in 1981. His first art experience was when he was 4 years old drawing on the outside wall with what he found in the yard: charcoal from the barbeque, dirt, flowers, leaves mashed up for color. At age 10 is when he began focusing and independently studying the human figure. Ariel’s desire to see the nuances in facial features of indigenous people and different cultures has led his fascination/desire to travel and be enchanted with faces around the world.
Since 1995 Ariel has participated in various competitions and exhibitions.
In 1999 he was the only student to receive an additional unique diploma in Visual Art Techniques specializing in painting and graphic art. He received the highest honor with an Award of Outstanding Participation in the specialty of painting at the exclusive Art Academy: Liceo Experimental Artístico.
From 2003 to 2006 he was a portrait painter and caricaturist artist for tourist at the Muelle Vergara, Viña del Mar, Chile. From 2004 to 2005 he collaborated on photo projects making public art interventions in Valparaiso. From 2004 to 2010 he participated in different events independentantly and also through event companies. Between 2006 and 2011 he joined and in 2010 became Director of the Association of Artists of Viña del Mar.
In 2006 Ariel received his first Bachelors degree graduating in Visual Art from the Universidad de Playa Ancha in Valparaíso, Chile.
In 2006 Ariel made an art Intervention called "Mancha"/”Drop” at Plaza Sotomayor, Valparaiso.
In 2009 Ariel collaborated with Director Claudia Bernet Valle as artist and story board creator for the film "Praxis"/”Practice”.
In 2010 he received two more Bachelor degrees both Cum Laude in Education and the other in Teaching High School Visual Arts from Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello in Vina del Mar, Chile.
In 2010 Ariel created Studio 50, dedicated to teaching fine art to all ages.
In 2011 Ariel left his country to travel and share his talent. He enjoyed learning Portuguese and making portraits in the cities of Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro and Natal, Brazil. In 2012, still wanting to explore and share his art he voyaged to Playa del Carmen, Mexico. There he met the famous Chilean Artist Jaime Fierro D. and joined the local cultural projects "Art in Playa" and "Caminarte" where he did live art. His can be seen in the art gallery "5th Avenue" and "Art Planet". In December 2013 Ariel arrived in the United States. Visiting San Diego, Los Angeles and now Maui, Hawaii.